7 of our group met to discuss our latest read and we were all keen to get on with talking about our reading experience.
"I loved it - 5 Stars!" - we all agreed.
Ashendon Book Group in complete agreement with regard to the book is a rare occurrence, so it was a little worrying we might 'agree to agree' and have little to discuss. But no, the discussion was lively and flowed through the many different subjects, situations and experiences the author has so cleverly stitched together.
This is a truly brilliant read, that touches on some very serious subjects. It is as thought-provoking as it is hilarious. Wonderful characters and scenarios, with thoughtful explanation where necessary, create a story that illustrates the humour and sadness that comes with friends and relations. You never know what is going to happen next, nothing is predictable.
We did dwell on plausibility for a while - is Alex plausible? are the scenarios plausible? Some members of our group felt the author was trying to put himself into the shoes of a young person and, in so doing, made it hard to believe in that person. Others felt that, if one thinks about the capabilities of young people as e.g. young carers, then Alex's behaviour is highly plausible. We concluded that yes, this fascinating character could well have have found himself in the situations described.
The story is very visual and would make a great film - we are looking forward to the film should anyone choose to make it.
Would we recommend it? Well, yes!
Our next read is two stories in one book: Gigi and the Cat by Colette and we will discuss these at 8pm on Thursday 14th March in The Hundred of Ashendon.
Our next book choice coincides with the release of a a film focused on the life of the author: Colette. and perhaps some of our group will have the chance to see this film alongside the book.