Monday, 14 April 2014

World Book Night - Community Giving

If you love a book so much you want others to share it, then here's a perfect opportunity. Sign up to be a World Book Night Community Book Giver and then give any book you want to, to anyone you want to give it to on 23rd April 2014.

As a Community Book Giver you choose - and provide - the book you give. You can choose to give any book you want - one you already own, or one you buy specially, new or second-hand.  

You can also choose whoever you want to give the book to – a friend, a member of your community, a complete stranger.  What we ask is that you give your book with the aim of helping someone develop the same love of reading that you have.  And if you want to give more than one book, that’s amazing. 

For more information and to register: